Jenna - Owner & Director

I LOVE what I get to do every day in Sensory Super Heroes! I feel so blessed to be working with my family and also connecting with other parents of 'Little Super Heroes' over the last 5 years.

I am proudly Autistic, ADHD & have a PDA profile. Our youngest daughter Chloe runs the same wiring, and my husband is ADHD. In our home we talk about our strengths, and find creative ways to overcome things that are tricky for us (Chloe calls them 'Life Hacks').

I grew up on acreage in the Sunshine Coast hinterland and studied business at University before working in a number of business settings and industries over next 15 years. 

I live with my two daughters in the Moreton Bay Region, north of Brisbane.  Chloe's diagnosis process led me to research and learn a great deal about sensory needs and autism.  This tied in perfectly with my already strong interest child development, health and family dynamics as well as my love of working in small business in order to help others... and so Sensory Super Heroes is my passion!

In my down-time I love lifting weights, climbing mountains, hiking to waterfalls, bike riding, doing ice baths, walking my dogs, playing games with my daughters, dancing to music, meeting up with friends for a coffee, and going to wellness retreats.

Chantelle - Operations Leader

I'm a Mum of two girls: Olive and Maya, plus a fur baby, Belle.

What fills my love tank? - Snuggles with my girls. My favourite time of the day is cuddling in bed reading books together. I also love taking our dog Belle for an early morning walk at Point Cartwright.

What do I do for fun? - Roller skating! A few years ago I started roller skating with the idea that I could skate whilst my kids ride their scooters. I wanted to have fun too! Since then I have discovered a love of skating and can now skate 6ft halfpipes! It sets my soul on fire and have met so many inspiring and supportive skaters on my skate journey who have welcomed me into the community.

Interesting fact about me - I'm a Sunny Coast local, but have also lived in London for 6 years and Melbourne 5 years. I have been back on the Coast almost 6 years now and so proud to call this place home. It is such a great place for raising a family and enjoying the amazing beaches and lifestyle.

What's my favourite holiday destination? - Airlie Beach! The Big 4 at Airlie is wonderful for the kids. The Splash Park, The Playgrounds, The Outdoor Movie. Such a great place to set up camp and explore the beautiful Whitsundays.

Describe my role in a few words - Organised, fun, rewarding.

What’s the best thing about working at SSH? - Honestly, it is so much fun working with such an incredible team! It is really rewarding knowing that we are genuinely helping families and everyone actually loves what they do!

Sue - Relationships & Operations Hero

I'm married to the love of my life James (also on SSH team), & Mum to my amazing 17 year old Thomas.  I have triplet rescue cats and our 12 year old red cattle dog Rosie.

What fills my love tank? - Watching Thomas perform his many talents on stage... whether its stand-up comedy, acting, musical theatre or being the front man of his band, his joy is infectious! I also love to take myself on long bush walks, keeping in touch with nature and myself.

What do I do for fun? - James and I love live music, so we get out and about to various Sunny Coast music venues whenever we can.  We also love a quiet Saturday night in preparing homemade pizza and listening to our favourite music… and maybe a bit of loungeroom disco.

Interesting fact about me - I moved to the Sunny Coast 17 years ago from Sydney to start the next chapter of our lives – parenthood. We couldn’t have picked a better location to raise Thomas & enjoy a lifestyle that has allowed us to spend maximum time with him rather than work around the clock.

What's my favourite holiday destination? - Imbil Camping Retreat, only an hour easy drive, magical creek for cooling off and a beautiful quirky township to explore.

Describe my role in a few words - Fun, variety, satisfying!

What’s the best thing about working at SSH? - The SSH team is all round awesome and fun to be around!  No two days are the same, time flies and we have great team camaraderie.

James - Operations Hero

I'm married to a special lady named Sue (also on the SSH team), and dad to Thomas and Amy. We have a lovely 12 year old red cattle dog Rosie who takes me on very slow walks around our neighbourhood. I’m also the designated feeder and cleaner for our triplet rescue cats.

What fills my love tank? - Spending time with my beautiful wife and son here on the Sunny Coast and catching up with my daughter (in Sydney) on facetime whenever we can.

What do I do for fun? - I love looking through classic car listings and seeing what quirky vehicles are around.  I also love listening to any style of music and watching any movie!

Interesting fact about me - I make great pizzas, and of course, I’m a fabulous driver!

What's my favourite holiday destination? - Driving across The Nullabor Plain with my dad when I was 15.  Epic!

Describe my role in a few words - Crash Bag Maker, Foam Ripper, Driver, Chef.

What’s the best thing about working at SSH? - Everyone in the SSH team is great to be around. We have fun, interesting conversations and support each other with the work we do.

Emily - Operations Hero

I live on the Sunny Coast and am originally from Newcastle. My favourite colour is sage green and I love smoothies!

What fills my love tank? - Achieving something fun with my mates like climbing Mt Coolum or catching a wave at the beach.

What do I do for fun? - I find yoga a day meditation fun. It calm me down, and fills me up with joy.

Interesting fact about me - I can do some really sick contortion tricks!

What's my favourite holiday destination? - I have been to Palmcove 3 times, and each time, it just gets more and more amazing.

Describe my role in a few words - I am a "foam ripper" at SSH, making crash bags too!

What is the best part about working at SSH? - The fact that people I get to work with easygoing and kind people, and work environment is just lovely.

Lori - Customer Service Hero

What fills my love tank? - My little family, I have my loving partner, two boys 3yrs and 5yrs who keep me on my toes, plus my menagerie of pets. When I'm not working at SSH I'm a vet nurse and I love both roles! Oh and chocolate, can't forget chocolate!

What do I do for fun? - Adventures with my family like bush walks or other ways I can burn off some of the kids energy!

Interesting fact about me - I have a condition called Hydrocephalus and Chiari Malformation with a Syringomyelia Shrinx - which is basically excess fluid surrounding my brain which is too large for my skull. Because of this I have a VP shunt which is a cool little device under my skin that helps my body to move the excess fluid from my brain to other parts of my body and helps my brain to stay small enough to fit in my skull.

What's my favourite holiday destination? - Anywhere you can see the stars properly! We love camping & getting back to nature to get away from the rest of the world for a while!

Describe my role in a few words - Behind the scenes super hero! There's no missing package I can't find!

What’s the best thing about working at SSH? - I may work off-site remotely on the Gold Coast but I am still made to feel like an equal member of the SSH family!